Shannon Harris, MPH, MPA is freelance consultant working on human rights and contraceptive choice in family planning programs. Prior to working in the family planning field, Shannon supported women and families through the childbirth process as a doula. She also served as president of PALS Doulas, a local, professional doula association. Shannon has worked on a variety of global health projects with organizations including the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), PATH, the University of Washington, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Most recently, she has worked with Futures Group and EngenderHealth on the Voluntary, Rights-Based Family Planning Framework.
Pingback: Strengthening the Links Between Human Rights and Family Planning: An Update from Addis | Champions4Choice
Pingback: Keeping Complexity in a Human Rights–Based Approach to Family Planning: Is It Worth It? | Champions4Choice
Pingback: Getting Real on Rights: Experience from Two Country Consultations on Applying a Rights-Based Approach to Family Planning Programming | Champions4Choice